
About Us

About Us

Who are we?
Based on its 20 years of outerwear circular knit fabric experience, it started its operations in May 2023 under the name of Story Fabrics Tekstil Sanayi Ve Ticaret Limited Company and provides fabric services to its customers in the right process, starting with R&D and P&D.

Quality and Craft
As STORY FABRİCS TEKSTİL SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ, we keep the importance of quality and craftsmanship at the highest level. Our products are analyzed 100% before they go into production and after the correct process is determined, the risks are determined and shared with our customers one-on-one. Our priority is to put the right customer-oriented fabric into production. It is produced as a subcontractor in companies that are considered to the smallest detail and comply with high quality standards. Each of our products and orders are tracked one-on-one at every stage to avoid any errors, any future risks are identified and shared transparently with our customers to offer a solution partnership. All our products are carefully processed by our craftsmen, regardless of sample and production, and undergo rigorous quality control before being offered to our customers.

Environmentally Friendly Production
Nature conservation and sustainability are a core part of our business. We use environmentally friendly materials when producing our products and optimize our production processes to minimize environmental impacts.

Customer Focus
Our customers' satisfaction is our highest priority. We are here to understand customer needs, answer their questions and provide the best service. We help our customers make the fabric they want beautiful by offering special solutions.

Future Vision
As STORY FABRİCS TEKSTİL SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ, we are constantly working to become a brand as a solution partner in the field of outerwear and reach more customers. More product variety, more innovation and more customer satisfaction form the basis of our goals in the future.

We are here to offer you the best fabric products. Thank you for choosing us and we invite you to join the STORY FABRİCS TEKSTİL SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ family.

About Us
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